Jane on wine
writer | broadcaster | eco warrior

Hello wine.

Groundbreaking yet traditional, complex yet simple, niche yet mass market, sustainable yet sapping, natural yet man-made.

Talker + broadcaster

Real, positive and always warm, Jane’s no frills attitude extends to all her presenting work, from BBC broadcasting to event hosting. And…

…Festivals. This unique aspect of British heritage holds a special place in Jane’s heart. She’ll be bringing the wine to plenty of festivals this year, to find out which ones, keep an eye on her ‘grams.


A prolific pen-pusher, Jane writes books, national columns, one-off pieces, opinion articles, entire specialist magazines, plus she’s a crack copywriter.

Eco warrior

Jane incorporates eco betterment into her wine work whenever and however possible, just to reflect her hardcore passion for our people and planet.

This also led to her founding Cherry.